Everyone thinks that they have lived for more than a hundred years and remain healthy for a long time, but seeing this busy lifestyle, it is very difficult to get a gift of longevity in this era. Most people are suffering from serious diseases like blood pressure-free city heart disease diabetes and cancer, even though it is very difficult to live for a hundred years in the current lifestyle, it can be rewarded by making positive changes in your bread and can provide a long and healthy life. Today I am going to tell you five such things that if you want a long and healthy life, then you should adopt these works, so let’s start
1 (Positive Thinking) (Positive Thinking)
2 (Roy diet) (Roy diet)
3 (Exercise)
4 (set your routine)
5 (stay stress free)
There are only three things in it.
2Importance is a thing, along with the physical exercise diet, you are also very important to do physical exercise, you can walk in the morning, you can join the gym, in addition to this, you must do any other physical exercise.
3 most important thing is to be stress-free. If your diet is good, you also exercise, but if you take too much stress then it can cause great harm to your health, then try to be stress-free or stress-free. The problem happens, if an incident happens, then you think that you have done a loss and you are doing another damage by taking stress, that is, you are losing your body, then instead of taking the stress of it, you should think that you How can we do that job right